Boxing Association of Sri Lanka Launches National Referees and Judges Qualification Course

The Boxing Association of Sri Lanka conducted the National Referees and Judges (R&Js) Qualification Course to the aspiring individuals seeking to become National R&Js.

The comprehensive training program was conducted for six days (2 days – Theory, 4 days – practical experience). During this programme participants officiated at the Layton Cup Boxing Tournament and Youth Boxing Championships held from 1st to 4th October 2023, at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium.

The Referees and Judges Commission was entrusted with the task of selecting suitable candidates for this course and received 116 applications. From this pool of talent, 58 candidates were selected to join the program representing a diverse and enthusiastic group of individuals keen on pursuing a career in the field of boxing officiating.

To qualify for the position of National R&Js, candidates underwent a series of assessments, including a written test and practical Judging and Refereeing exercises. Out of the 58 candidates, a total of 34 applicants demonstrated exceptional knowledge, skills, and aptitude, earning their qualification as National R&Js.

The course was meticulously conducted by Mr. Lenny Da Gama of India, a renowned International R&J Instructor and Deputy Chairman of IBA R&J Commission who has a vast experience and expertise in the sport of boxing.

The certification awarding ceremony took place at the Mount Lavinia Hotel last week and the newly appointed National R&Js were officially commissioned. This event was attended by prominent personalities of the boxing community and celebrated the dedication and commitment demonstrated by these officials throughout their training.

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